Today is the day Roderick B. Cameron was born in 1956. He was my fiance whom I spend 8 years with, and he passed away on December 2, 2011 (before our wedding day had a chance to arrive). Today I am grateful for both the joys and sorrows of our relationship, for they both taught me so much, deepened my heart and enriched my soul. So Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. I am grateful you were born. My heart will always hold you, Rod.
Our joys and sorrows do just that, as I reflect on the teaching of Ralph Waldo Emerson. After watching President Obama give his farewell address last night, I recalled the joy, upliftment, and gratitude I always felt when listening to him speak, and in knowing he was our president. And now, I feel sad that he is leaving office. I will miss him and all the wonderful qualities that his incredible and beautiful soul has shared tirelessly, and often unappreciated, with our country. The brilliance, heart-centeredness, wit, elegance and grace will be deeply missed, at least by me, and I am sure by the 20,000 who showed up in person to hear him in Chicago last night.